Breast reduction involves removing fat, tissue and excess skin from the enlarged and sagging breasts. The main motivation for such a surgery might be cosmetic considerations but disproportionately large breasts can also cause many problems, such as, back pain and neck pain and limitation of physical activity.
“Breast Reduction Involves Removing Fat.”
Breast reduction involves removing fat, tissue and excess skin from the enlarged and sagging breasts. The main motivation for such a surgery might be cosmetic considerations but disproportionately large breasts can also cause many problems, such as, back pain and neck pain and limitation of physical activity.
Before deciding to undergo such a procedure, it should be determined that:
• The breast has stopped growing
• There are no hormonal problems causing the growth
• There are no lumps in the breast
• Whether the patient has undergone a breast surgery before
• whether there is any infection in the breast
The aims of this procedure are:
• To elevate the nipple and breast
• To give fullness to the upper part of the breast
• To give the breast a better shape and form
There are several techniques involved:
• Wise Pattern, Lexer, Inverted T, Anchor Scar, Verical & Horizontal, Keyhole Scar all refer to the incision that goes around the areola, vertically goes down the breast and horizontally goes along the creast.
• Vertical, Hall-Findlay, Lejour, Circumvertical, lollipop, Tennis Racket, all refer to the incision goes around the areola, vertically goes down the breast. This incision leaves less scarring. However, it might not be useful for patients with extremely large and sagging breasts.
• Scarless technique involves liposuction of fat tissues. The incisions are only a few millimeters and hidden under the creast of the breast. This technique can be applied in patients with moderately large breasts in which the fat tissue takes more place that the glandular tissue.